A part of the Bamboo Production was enjoying a nice trip in Bruxelles.
Walking down from Place Royale to Grand Place a sound with all the features of what we mean with "Bamboo Production" caught me. And yes... the sensation was good.
A beautiful installation, arranged by Lauren Taquin, Herve Brunet and Didier De Groef for the Zinneke Parade, allowed us to perform this video!
"The Discovery of the One" is the follow up of "The Spider Song".
The Piano leaves the scene to the tambourine and the Cajon but you can clearly find out the same insistent (cit.) melody of the first project of the group. Even if everything is enriched with a big step forward: the conquer of the One!
Since we put a nest box in our garden, a couple of Great Tit (Parus major) chose it as own home. They don't seem be scared of us and differently from our neighbours, they enjoy our music.
Today, we got a quite sunny afternoon and we realized this timeline with a very nice framing.
Like all the our videos from the realization up to the upload on the web pass just a couple of hours.
The music is written and performed by Bamboo Santos in the while of the making of the video.
The quote in the beginning of the video is from "Blackbird" of The Beatles.
Carlo Lucarelli is a famous and serious italian journalist. He did some very good TV programs, facing off with a lot of shady italian mysteries, like the "Tangentopoli" scandal and of the P2 lobby. But recently he has started a new TV program: Almost True. Already the name have to get you in alert...
In fact the show deals with the very fascinating life of numerous stars of the rock. From Elvis Presley to David Bowie, across big bands like Led Zeppelin and Beatles. Just about the story of the Beatles we are going to talk about. It heavy impressed the Bamboo Production up to chose the main character of the history as the founding father of the group.
But in order...
Listening Lucarelli we learned about the fact that the Beatles, starting from the 1966, was composed by four people: John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Star and... Billy Can! You read well guys! Not one of the biggest and brilliant musician of all the history but one anonymous canadian cop, William Campbell.
According to the story narrated by Lucarelli, Paul McCartney died in a car accident in the November 1966 and it was replaced by the winner of look-alike contest, which being part of the FabFours and was the writer of some of most innovative and ultimate Beatles production.
So the authors of Helter Skelter and Let it be is not the baronet McCartney but his double, which had the chance to perform this incredible role-game into the shoes of one of the best musician of ever.
Ok, so what the hell has the Bamboo Production to do with the canadian cop becoming one of the FabFour?
Of course we don't believe that the genius author of "Yesterday" was a traffic police man.
But Billy Can is the metaphor of the Bamboo Production. A people put in the contest of free-access to do music can make some good composition even if he never did before. Ok, maybe he couldn't make a masterpiece as Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, but at least a catchy music-video like "The Spider Song".
So, Billy Can from all the world let's play and share some nice music!
It was a monday holiday afternoon. It was evening. We were watching a funny movie (The Hangover) when someone saw our mate TheSpider involved in a delicious mosquito-based meal. The Bamboo Production soul came out immediately... Taken camera and guitar we performed a meta-composition about the gravitational meal of our buddy!
"Second Dimension" is the second layer of the Multiple-Universe of Bamboo Production. From this point of view you can appreciated some details which were blinded from the global view, as the good reef played from the guitarist, at the time Bamboo Santos.
On this video we had the opportunity to sync even the english subtitles.
Good deep immersion in the reality of Bamboo Production!
1 any tall treelike tropical or semitropical fast-growing grass of the genus Bambusa, having hollow woody-walled stems with ringed joints and edible young shoots (bamboo shoots)
2 the stem of any of these plants, used for building, poles, and furniture
3 any of various bamboo-like grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Phyllostachys or Dendrocalamus
4 modifier made of bamboo
a bamboo fence
Bamboo curtain
[ˌbamˈboō ˈkərtn]
n (esp. in the 1950s and 1960s) the political and military barrier to communications around the People's Republic of China
1 cheat, con (informal) deceive, defraud, delude, dupe, fool, hoax, hoodwink, pull a fast one on (informal) skin (slang) swindle, trick
2 baffle, befuddle, confound, confuse, mystify, perplex, puzzle, stump
Several Asian cultures, including that of the Andaman Islands, believe humanity emerged from a bamboo stem. We have some doubts about it. But we are so impressed from the generative power of the Bamboo (here and here) and from the broad use, both real and methaphoric, in differet human cultures.
Bamboo was widespread used in early China as a medium for written documents (Bamboo Strips).
Now we would like to indroduce a new kind of communication : The Bamboo Video Strips.
This format contains a lot of features and skills of the Bamboo plant: the extemporaneous of the artistic production like the fast growing of the plant coupled with the longevity of the message thanks to web, the generative mithes like the infinite possibility of the creativity. At the same time our videos can make you bamboozle, because you can find in the state of mind to think "It's art...I guess".
According the statement of Dr. Sheldon Cooper, there is at least one Universe where the Bamboo Production can make a high quality video. And here we are going!
With "Parallel Universes" we tried to figure out a multidimension jam session with three of each of us playing different instruments at the same time.
Such video follows the new direction of the shorts video and it was arranged in just a couple of hours start form the ideation to the upload on the web. This last aspect is very important in the Bamboo Production philosophy: the unrehearsed play of the art ("alla cazzo di cane").
The different layers of the reality of Bamboo Production will follow up soon!
"I see you green..." is a mature project of the BamboProduction. In fact it was produced one week after "The Spider Song". With this short movie the group homage to Duccio Patane' (at the time Ninni Bruschetta) the great photography director of the TV series "Occhi del cuore" ("Heart Eyes").
At the same time this production marks a new direction in the artistic line of the group: shorter video, refers to basilar songs of the history of the Music and saturated lights (Smarmellate).