Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Bamboo

1    any tall treelike tropical or semitropical fast-growing grass of the genus Bambusa, having hollow     woody-walled stems with ringed joints and edible young shoots (bamboo shoots) 
2    the stem of any of these plants, used for building, poles, and furniture 
3    any of various bamboo-like grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Phyllostachys or Dendrocalamus 
4    modifier   made of bamboo 
a bamboo fence      

Bamboo curtain 
[ˌbamˈboō  ˈkərtn]
      n   (esp. in the 1950s and 1960s) the political and military barrier to communications around the People's Republic of China 
1    cheat, con     (informal)   deceive, defraud, delude, dupe, fool, hoax, hoodwink, pull a fast one on     (informal)   skin     (slang)   swindle, trick 
2    baffle, befuddle, confound, confuse, mystify, perplex, puzzle, stump 

Several Asian cultures, including that of the Andaman Islands, believe humanity emerged from a bamboo stem. We have some doubts about it. But we are so impressed from the generative power of the Bamboo (here and here) and from the broad use, both real and methaphoric, in differet human cultures.
Bamboo was widespread used in early China as a medium for written documents  (Bamboo Strips).
Now we would like to indroduce a new kind of communication : The Bamboo Video Strips.
This format contains a lot of features and skills of the Bamboo plant: the extemporaneous of the artistic production like the fast growing of the plant coupled with the longevity of the message thanks to web, the generative mithes like the infinite possibility of the creativity. At the same time our videos can make you bamboozle, because you can find in the state of mind to think "It's art...I guess".
Moreover, one of the main aim of this project is to try to overcome the "Bamboo Curtain" of the web anonymity.

Bamboo's long life makes it a Chinese symbol of longevity, while in India it is a symbol of friendship.  
For us is a symbol of symplicity, multivalence and creativity. And of course is the symbol of a lot of fun!

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